“The bridges that you cross
before you come to them are over rivers that aren't there.”
- Gene
The above quote roughly means: barriers that are
physical are reflections of the mental ones. There is an important
organizational lesson to be learnt in this. Organizations are meant to
facilitate the impossible, unachievable. The recipe is simple: Believe that it
can be achieved, plan and deliver.
In one of my previous blogs, I made a mention of the Crossing
the Valley exercise, in which three individuals wanted to cross a
valley wider than the individuals. While they achieve their target, we shall
try to learn a concept or two from what they did.
Let us try to define the problem first:
No of people: 3
Valley gap: 2 footsteps
The three individuals plan to cross it. The only prop they
have got is a firm rod-like structure, sufficiency long.
They hold the rod together with the gap between each two of
them is one footstep and they simply walk by. The picture
below demonstrates it. Surprised? Does going get this easy? Well, I shall take
you through a small dry run to answer that:
L1 L2
1: All safe
R1 R2 R3
L2 L3
Step 2: Person 3 half safe
R1 R2 R3
L2 L3
Step 3: Person 3 full unsafe
R1 R2 R3
L1 L2 L3
4: Person 2 and 3 partially safe
R2 R3
L1 L2 L3
5: Person 2 fully unsafe
R2 R3
L1 L2
6: Person 1 and 2 partially safe
R2 R3
L1 L2
7: Person 1 fully unsafe
R2 R3
L2 L3
Step 8: Person 1 partially safe
R2 R3
L2 L3
Step 9: Everyone is safe
R2 R3
The '_______' like structure indicates the valley and Li and
Ri denotes the left and right foot of the ith person.
Last year we conducted a simulation of this process in NITIE. Here are the glimpses of how it was conducted:
Last year we conducted a simulation of this process in NITIE. Here are the glimpses of how it was conducted:
The steps, no matter how simple they seem, do contain a
number of valuable lessons to be learnt:
- Load Distribution: the load of each person is reasonably reduced as they
organized and devised the mechanism together. Organizations are actually
meant to reduce loads. What might seem as a cumbersome task for
individuals, organizations are supposed to do them with ease. The system
above is a perfect specimen.
- Simple Design: The
beauty of the system lies in its simple design.
- Uniformity of roles: Similar
roles for all 3 individuals. There is no differentiation among person 1, 2
and 3. In fact their tasks are designed to be easier, lighter, clearer and more
systematic. The members of the group are equally responsible for their
contribution to the overall task completion. The amount of risk is also
equally distributed among them.
- Need of Communication: For the successful completion of the task, it is very
important to have proper communication and feedback mechanism among th 3
members. In fact, the feedback mechanism is instantaneous and hence
of paramount importance.
- Training:
There has to be a proper synchronization among the members. Moreover, they
need to interact methodically. This requirement leads us to the importance
of one very important aspect - training. Organizations even with
exceptionally well design will fail if its members are not trained
properly. We did a dry run of this system in our classroom. At
that time, we felt the need of proper communication training and thus,
establishment of synchronization among the 3 persons.
- Interdependent Roles: The roles are assigned ina way that every
individual is dependent on everyone else for the successful completion of
the task. An organization must have such a well-built system that no
individual can loaf around. It is often because of weakly designed systems
that employees get infected by negative work culture.
- Well-specified problem statement: A very important observation is that the problem
has been defined properly so that it can be acted upon likewise. The gap,
the length of the rod and the gap between each two person are all well
- Neo-classical Tool of Management: This simple demonstration actually leads us to some
wonderful concepts of neo-classical management. Unlike classical theory of
management, wherein the roles are delegated in a pyramid-like manner as to
ensure unity of command, neo-classical theory speaks about empowerment of
the employees. Here underlies the concept of matrix structures of
organizations, where the groups are self-managed and everyone is capable
of making decisions. To explain this, I would give an example of a circus,
wherein every performer is actually making commands, taking ad-hoc
feedbacks and still managing to create a coordinated excellent show. So
this simple experiment opens up a far wider dimension to ponder upon.
Many more concepts might be realized from this
demonstration. I tried to summarize my observations. I'll be interested in
knowing your thoughts also.
Before concluding, I would like to pose an intriguing angle
to this experiment.
What exactly is the scope of this experiment? Is it limited
to a gap only 2 steps wide? Can we cross any length of a gap by following the
same mechanism? What modifications do we need to do, if it is at all possible?
Well, keep on thinking. On this curious note, I'll take a
break. Happy learning !!!
Good blog write up with good details for POM course... dr mandi