is Excellence? What are its Components? And most
importantly, How to achieve it?
Before trying to define excellence,
let’s first look at a few probable specimens.
Well to talk about Tajmahal, it
cannot be regarded as an excellence. The reason being, it is not replicable.
What use does a statue in the middle of nowhere serve if it cannot be used by
the crores of people around? We want lakhs and crores of Tajmahals.
Apple iPhone, yes it is. It has
gone places, reached crores of people beyond boundaries. Probably, it is still
a bit expensive to reach many more out of its present purview. Still, the
bottomline remains, it is useful and replicable numerous times.
About UID Adhaar, we are not sure
yet. However, it definitely shows the potential to be an excellence, provided
the issues related to it are addressed properly.
what conclusions can we draw from the above examples?
Now, an argument might lie in the
second point. That whether one can achieve excellence individually.
Well, the first point is, even if
one can achieve it, why would he/she? The next point is: the capacity of a
group is always greater than that of an individual. Of course, if the group is
not managed properly, it might produce results even worse than certain
individuals. However, that should in no way encourage us to believe that
individuals are more likely to achieve excellence than groups/organizations.
Hence, it remains
one of the primary concerns of a manager to manage the group/organization
properly to achieve this excellence. We’ll be performing an experiment to
analyze this even further.
Crossing the
It is called 'Crossing the Valley' exercise. Three
of us will have to cross the valley as shown in the above picture.
Definitely the above cannot be achieved by an individual. The challenge for the
group of three is to execute the plan and walk as if they were simply walking on a plain surface. I'll elaborate more
on this once we perform this experiment.
Components of Excellence:
Now let us try to have a look at the components of
excellence. We learned
Excellence = Efficiency X Effectiveness
Now how to elaborate it. Well, in simple words,
Efficiency deals with whether the given work is executed properly, whereas
Effectiveness deals with whether the work given was rightly estimated.
Efficiency can be attributed to engineers, whereas Effectiveness
remains a managerial concern. (Without any bias, any person who is able to
imbibe the two features is both an engineer and a manager.)
We performed an exercise to understand this concept. It's
called the Tower Building Exercise.
Tower Building Exercise:
One of our friends won he bid to form the designated tower.
He had to build a tower of small cubes (approx. 2x2x2 cube-cm each). Asked how
many cubes can be put on the tower without getting it to fall down, the average
estimate of the class was below 15. Very importantly, the performer himself
estimated a count of only 10. At the end, he could build a tower of 18 cubes.
Obviously, efficiency was above estimate. However, the
question to bother is: if one can build a tower of 18, why would one estimate
only 10? This is where the question of effectiveness lies as well as does the
role of a manager.
We were then asked to give an estimate in case the same
experiment is performed by the person blindfolded, with another one or two
giving him directions. The estimate was reasonably lower than the previous one
- by almost everyone in the class.
Now, here lies the real essence of management. A manager is
a person who can think, and think effectively, most importantly, beyond a
normal person's limit. If an individual can build 18 cube towers, why won't a
group of 3 be able to build one with more? And this is thriving for excellence.
To add value to this discussion, I would like to add that
the same experiment was carried out in another class, wherein the group
outperformed the estimates of the class and built a 17 cube tower, blindfolded.
So what I learnt is that excellence is achieved by the
combination of efficiency and effectiveness, wherein the latter serves an
even greater purpose in achieving the same. As managers, we must be able to
develop this effective thinking.
On that note, I'll conclude this post. Happy learning !!!